Posted by: kerry.walker - Posted on:


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Did you know we have pre-bookable appointments available via the NHS app? Sign up today for the NHS app and you will have access to bookable appointments.

Child abuse and safeguarding
Safeguarding of children and adults is everyone’s concern.
If you’re concerned about a child’s welfare, you can report your concerns anonymously. The best way to keep children safe is to report your concerns. Reports can easily be investigated and resolved, keeping the wellbeing of the child in mind.

This isn’t just true for those who work with children, but also for anyone who has a concern about a child’s welfare. You could make a huge and positive difference to their lives.

It’s also important to protect vulnerable adults. Adults who cannot protect themselves need others to help and support them. If you’re concerned about the welfare of a vulnerable adult, make sure your concerns are heard.




Testicular cancer awareness

Cancer of the testicles is one of the less common cancers and tends to occur in men aged 15 to 49. There are a number of risk factors, which include an undescended testicle or testicles, a family history and previous testicular cancer, though all men should be vigilant and check for symptoms.

If you have lumps, swelling, hardness, pain or heaviness in your testicles, it could be a sign of a number of conditions. Among the more serious is testicular cancer. So, if you’re worried about any of these symptoms, a short visit to your GP practice should help you to get to the bottom of it.



Shingles is a painful condition that is a reactivation of the chicken pox virus, usually on one side of your body. It can be painful and cause complications. If you’re aged 70 to 79, or turned 65 on or after 1st September 2023, you should be eligible for a free shingles vaccination.
If you’re suffering from shingles, you can find lots of helpful information about how you can best manage the infection including information about how to reduce the pain associated with shingles, and about antivirals you may be offered.



Stress Awareness Month

Stress often builds little by little over time. By taking time to connect with others, be active and practise mindfulness, eventually the little becomes a lot less stress. In this way, we can aim to reduce the effects of stress.
Stress can cause a number of physical and mental symptoms, including rashes, chest pain, sleep disturbances, anxiety and an inability to enjoy life, among other things. https://www.stress.org.uk/sam2024/

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

More than nine in ten people survive bowel cancer when it’s diagnosed at its earliest stage. Awareness of the symptoms can help you to catch it early and improve the outcome. Symptoms of bowel cancer include changes to your poo, bleeding from your bottom, blood in your poo, unexpected weight loss or overall tiredness, and/or a pain or lump in your tummy. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s better to get checked early.



Healthy diet
Eating a healthy diet is important for long-term health and wellbeing. There are recommendations about the number of portions of fruit and vegetables you should eat, along with suggestions for fibre and protein.


Changes that happen with age
As we get older, our bodies change. Across the globe, our populations are getting older on average and this provides a challenge for our health and support systems. Ageing healthily can help to ensure you maintain a good quality of life.

We should aim to age well. Keeping our bodies and minds healthy can help to ensure we enjoy our later years to the maximum. Age UK have some suggestions for achieving this.

